Saturday, July 18, 2009

The last 100 Days of Bobby Greenpants

The great state of New Hampshire is dotted with many storied boarding schools that have great traditions and who turn out some of the finest students in the world.

One such institution, Rumbling Meadows Academy in beautiful Conifer, New Hampshire has a tradition of requiring their graduating seniors to keep a journal of their last one hundred days as a student, starting with a fine celebratory dinner in the late winter to kick off the count down to graduation.

A memorable student of this year's class, Bobby Greenpants (Robert Forest Greenpants III) has submitted his journal to Live Free On Rye for posterity and has graciously allowed us to print a few select entries. (Mostly, it seems,with hopes of impressing a certain Miss Jenny Parker)Bobby will be a freshman wrestler and lacrosse player this coming fall at the University of New Hampshire's Winnasaugie campus, and we wish him the best of luck.

Please note that the poor behavior cited here is not an endorsement of such acts, but serves to illustrate how one student grew during his time at Rumbling Meadows Academy.

Day 100: Gave triumphant speech at the Hundred Days Dinner tonight. I know that they took a chance with letting me speak, but I think that I rewarded their confidence by skipping my written comments and throwing it down with my mad lyrical skillz. I thought about sticking in a few profanities in the middle of the verse about formal dinner, but I decided that with all those trustee guys there I shouldn't. My advisor says I made a good decision. Rock!

Day 87: There is still snow on the ground, so today I finally made my move on Jenny Parker. I've liked her since sophomore year and today I let her know it by showing off my fastball and hitting a freshman with a snowball. She seemed upset. Need to talk to advisor again. Day 65: Today was our first lacrosse game of the season. It was an away game in Vermont and I totally bonked out and forgot the shaft of my lacrosse stick in my room. It's metal, so I was trying to use it as an antenna for my TV so that I could watch the Red Sox game. Anyway, I found a broom that they keep in the back of the bus, and I totally broke it in half and used the handle for the shaft of my lacrosse stick. I got tossed out for having an illegal stick, but I got five good minutes in!

Day 48: Totally overslept first period today. When the teacher sent my roommate to get me I hid under my bed until he was gone. Found old banana that was causing the bad smell.Day 33: Rock! Jenny Parker is in my group for the Hamlet presentation! Took advisor's advice and apologized for the snowball. She said "that's okay, but make sure to apologize to that freshman too". I'm totally going to do that tomorrow. Rock!

Day 24: Bad day! It started out good. Scored goal in lacrosse game. To celebrate I did a back flip and landed weird on my ankle. The athletic trainer gave me one of those heating pads that you stick in a microwave to put on my ankle. Before study hall I put it in the microwave and went to see Jimmy Pascoe. I guess I put the thing in for too long because it caught on fire. The fire department came when the smoke set off the alarm. It wasn't my fault! Jimmy got me with a wet wad of toilet paper and I totally had to go shaving cream his room.

Day 7: Senior trip was awesome. Jenny Parker and I are going out, I think. She said that I could visit her this summer at her house in North Carolina. She's going to college some place in California. That's a long way from Winnasaugie.Day 1. Graduated today. When they called my name out I walked across the stage and said "awe yeah" really loud. Then I gave a big thumbs up to my parents. When the speaker said "I present to you the class of 2009" I threw my hat up in the air like they do in the movies. It was a little weird because nobody else did it, and I had to go find my hat afterward. I'm psyched to go see Jenny in two weeks.

Day -4: Started summer job at ice cream stand today. I totally impressed my new friends by eating a whole gallon of Rocky Road in an hour. I don't think I'm gonna to make it to work tomorrow.

Good luck in college Bobby, only seventy two days of summer to go.

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